My Mom- The best woman I know. My friend- who I have watched work miracles by sheer force of will. Me. Sometimes as a mom, I get it all wrong ( like this ). Lots of times actually. But just like EVERY mom who loves her kids, I have moments that are brilliant. If you're a mom, acknowledge to yourself that sometimes you are BRILLIANT! You are doing the hardest job on earth and sometimes you get it right! On the heels of my parent teacher conference debacle, I thought I'd share an idea that worked out well. I have a degree in Human Development. I love every stage of growth in children. I find it amazing. When my oldest daughter reached age 11 it dawned on me that her childhood was rapidly coming to a close. Soon she would be a teen, then a woman. There are cultures that assist in the transition from childhood to adulthood in powerful, effective ways. These cultures are filled with capable, confident teens that don't manifest the angst and turmoil we accept as a normal...